Feb 1 2012

The Art of Using Mind Power to Enhance Leadership Skills

Tapping into the art of using mind power can help you enhance your leadership skills. Your mind power can help you feel more confident in yourself. When you are more confident in yourself, others will see your confidence. This air of confidence will convince others that you are someone they should follow. In order to reap the benefits of this confidence, you must tap into your own mind power.

As a leader, people will rely on your to resolve conflicts. Part of conflict resolution is to convince one party or both that the solution you are offering is the right one. This can require you to be convincing in your argument. If you show the other parties that you aren’t sure what to do, they will have a hard time following along with what you suggest. However, if you use your mind power to show confidence in your suggestion, they will follow solution you offer.

The art of using mind power requires you to concentrate on yourself and the way you handle yourself in a situation. Learning what others expect from you as a leader will help you put yourself in a better position as a leader. You must tap into your mind and put yourself in the shoes of the people you must lead. If you can understand what they want, you will be able to alter your approach so that you can be a more effective leader.

Part of learning what is expected of you as a leader is listening to the group. You will need to listen to what they are asking, as well as their observations. Consider everything you hear and see as part of your training to become the leader they want you to be. If you can get to a point where those who must follow you think that some of your ideas are their own, they are more likely to comply.

The art of using mind power can be quite useful when working in a leadership position. You will be able to better resolve conflicts by giving confident suggestions for a solution. When you put yourself in the position of the group you are leading and listen to them, you will know what they expect from you and be better able to conform to the type of leader they want and need. Using your mind power, you can become an effective leader to any group.

Jan 18 2012

Three Hurdles That Impact the Use of Your Mind Power

Your mind can be a powerful thing if you learn how to use it properly. However, most people don’t understand what mind power is and how to use it. In fact, for many people, outside forces and even their own thinking can get in the way of using this hidden power inside of them. If you can learn the negative factors that can prevent you from using the power of your own mind to your benefit, you can overcome those factors and tap into this power.

A negative attitude can cause problems if you want to use the power of your mind for good in your life. Some people let the skepticism that you can’t really use the power of your mind to make any changes. When you have this kind of attitude, it won’t work. Just like anything else you try to do in life, if you allow yourself to think that it isn’t possible, you will have a much harder time accomplishing it.

Lack of concentration can also prevent you from tapping into your own mind power. In many cases, you must really think about what you hope to accomplish. When you allow yourself to focus on the task at hand, you will be able to use your mind to its greatest potential. When you tap into this potential, you can accomplish anything you need to.

Most people live a busy life where they are always on the run and never have time to sit back and relax. When this happens, the mind becomes clouded with too many thoughts, which can prevent you from thinking clearly. In order for you to access the power your mind holds, you need to learn to quiet your thoughts. Clearing your mind takes practice. The best way to practice is to find a time when you don’t have something to do, such as right before you go to sleep. Just sit or lie there with your eyes closed and try to push away all of your thoughts. Over time, you will easily clear your mind.

Tapping into your mind power doesn’t have to be difficult; however, many life circumstances can get in the way of using your mind to its full potential. If you have a negative attitude or can’t concentrate on the task you hope to accomplish, you won’t succeed. You must also learn to clear your mind so you can focus on just one thing at a time. Focusing on just one thing allows your mind to give that one task its full attention.

Jul 20 2011

How Easy Is It To Read Minds or Control Others?

Clairvoyance is not another of many mind tricks, but is rather the ability to see that which is unseen, and is a more technical term than used by those who call themselves mind readers, or who otherwise claim to have the ability of mind reading. The word literally means “clear vision” and denotes the capacity to perceive or understand that which is not accessible to the “regular” senses. This could be  hidden object, an occluded fact, or various other potential realities; however, in popular usage, clairvoyance usually connotes such mind tricks as the ability to see into the interior lives of other people, pick up on their emotions and thoughts, or even gather insight into the person’s past or future. Rarely does it infer the use of mind control or to actually influence others through telepathic or extrasensory means.

Reading minds according to mind readers who claim the ability to do so is not as simple as listening in on a conversation. Thoughts and feelings may come to mind readers in a variety of ways, expressed symbolically, or as an intense emotion, or as a general feeling – not necessarily embodied in clear words and concepts. Some clairvoyants claim that everyone receives these messages, but that their particular gift is the ability to recognize and interpret them with clarity. Also, there is a hierarchy of information gathering that begins with gathering the hidden knowledge that subsides in the body:  movements, facial expressions, the cast of light in the countenance, and general body language. While skeptics claim that all mind tricks can be narrowed down to such interpretive skills, and that clairvoyance is merely a form of mind control for the gullible and the credulous, true clairvoyants accept these skills as the first stage of a deeper connection that culminates in reading the actual thoughts of others.

Thoughts themselves might be considered as the data in/data out that moves through the processing software of the mind, and should not be confused with the mind itself. We experience them as something akin to running streams of words – some half-rendered, others complete and rational, that come and go, often unbidden, sometimes carrying varying states of emotion or loaded with other associations. Thoughts seem to be directly connected to the physicality of the brain, the network of neurons that constantly fire, setting off millions of chemical processes, but they can also be of a spiritual nature interpenetrating the brain, causing the physical reactions. Reading another person’s thoughts may have something to do with the energy that connects all people. It stands to reason, therefore, that if those who have exercised their clairvoyant skills to mastery can pick up on thoughts, they might also be able to send their own telepathically can practice a sort of mind control over unsuspecting victims.

This is likely a vain concern. We process so many thoughts and feelings that it would take a massive amount of energy for any clairvoyant or sorcerer to direct so many thoughts into another person’s psyche so as to be able to control them, that the psychic would likely empty himself of his own identity, and therefore be incapable of actually controlling anyone. So the notion quickly becomes absurd.

Jun 15 2011

Telekinesis and Psychokinetic Powers

There are many mysteries implicit in the psyche of the human animal, unknown regions of the subconscious mind, and uncharted parts of the brain with innate functions yet to be exercised. Some people who practice a science of the mind claim to have the ability to perform what seem to be supernatural feats, but which ultimately have a rational explanation, even if it is beyond human reason.  The art of telekinesis, which is an aspect of psychokinesis, is the apparent ability to move objects (including oneself in the case of levitation) without using physical force, to exercise mind over matter by channeling energy from the mind, body, spirit and soul from the point of the body’s own centers of energy to influence the physical world around them.

Among these are those who claim to possess the power to bend spoons or read cards by merely manifesting the intent, and art or science of the mind that in a benchmark of parapsychological research.  Skeptics often allege that such feats are the product of sleight of hand, parlor tricks, and clever magic tricks that can be reproduced in a similar environment without controls, and definitely not an example of mind over matter. Believers, however, persist in their claim that the phenomena is real, that the subconscious mind retains innate powers that most people have merely failed to develop.

Such assertions are not the sole property of self-named psychics, paranormal celebrities, or even, indeed, magicians, but have an ancient root in many of the world’s religions. Some of the powers in that context include clairvoyance or telepathy, the ability to know the thoughts and intents of another person’s heart, communication with the dead, levitation, turning objects into living creatures or vice versa, and multitudes of other claims. In the Old Testament, Joseph interprets dreams and turns staffs into snakes. In the New Testament, Jesus is resurrected from death, and a later believer is baptized in one location and comes up out of the water in another, hundreds of kilometers away.

The science of the mind that can produce such feats as mind over matter, whether it arises from the subconscious mind or is a concerted effort of the mind, body and spirit, also is evidenced in numerous claims of healers, both in conventional religion and in animist or shamanic practices. Healers influence the physical aspect of the human body by casting out disease or miraculously generating new cells – in elaborate cases, bringing the dead to life. Modern practitioners sometimes refuse medical attention because they would see it as a denial of their faith in the power of the mind over matter and in God.

In any case, there is a connection between modern claims to psychokinesis, telekinesis and religious faith in the supernatural, although people in the latter category often critical and skeptical of the former. One might, however, consider the whole basis of spiritual life as a paranormal claim, the notion that there is more to existence than physical reality.