How to seduce your ideal woman/ man with Hypnotic Poetry, Anytime, Anywhere!

Many men have tried to master the art of seducing beautiful women. It may be part of your hopes and dreams to someday be a millionaire playboy with woman hanging off your arms. Well, you can make the latter half a reality by mastering the art of hypnotic seduction. In a similar manner, a lot of women have a dream of seducing and making love to their ideal men. By using hypnotic poetry you can literally charm the pants off of women/men you meet anywhere.

What is Hypnopoetics, Anyway?
Hypnopoetics is the use of suggestive hypnotic poems on a woman/man that you want to seduce. With this new ebook you get access to all the erotic poems and schedules and formulas that teach you how and when to use each NLP seduction technique with surgical precision. Hypnopoetics contains 20 sensual poems and the methods for using them to strengthen the romantic bond between a man and his lover.
How to seduce women/men you always want
Learn to use imbedded commands and NLP hynosis to seduce the woman you desire with the methods in Phillip S. Billitz’ Erotic Poetry. There is a unique and powerful poem for every stage of the relationship. Some of the men who tried these poems out on women said this about success they enjoyed.
What Do People Think of Hypnotic Peotry
“I read your poem to one woman who I haven’t touched in years….She is literally begging me now since getting back in touch with me (bumped into each other at work and was still horny for me anyway,) but now even more so, she is practically dripping thru the phone as I read poems to her…. (She thinks I write them). She said she let her female friend listen and her friend said it made her panties wet (to stop it!!).”
- Anon
“I have noticed how positively and seductively they can work on a woman’s psyche until she is totally enamored … Just the other evening I had a woman wanting me so terribly …”
“My wife loves the poems and when I put her into a trance and read them to her I get Great results.”
- Bill
You can make her fall in love with you using these poems. They really work. Enjoy success with the ladies by using subtle hypnotic techniques you will learn Phillip’s system is completely foolproof and it doesn’t matter what you look like. Anyone can master hypnotic seduction. After you get these poems and learn how to use them, she will be thanking you on.
April 19th, 2009 at 5:14 am
Enough with the seduction.
April 23rd, 2009 at 7:33 am
Sounds interesting.
May 4th, 2009 at 9:38 am
It’s very interesting to know about hypnotic poetry. Which could be very helpful to impress a girl and it’s gonna be very good too.
May 14th, 2009 at 10:36 pm
Time hasn’t arrived for me yet. But its nice to know there is something already there in the market.
May 15th, 2009 at 7:15 pm
incredible product, eh
May 22nd, 2009 at 9:49 pm
[...] why, but you find a fondness and you wish to do things to help them. Here I’m not only discussing sexual attraction, but a real and guiltless feeling of affection towards another [...]
June 26th, 2009 at 12:27 pm
I prefer just to email them hypnotic spreadsheets. Sends them to suggestible sleep so quickly!
April 6th, 2010 at 12:09 am
Hypnosis Benefits…
Hypnosis treatment is one of the most powerful psychological methods for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relaxation. It assists in improving memory and concentration, increasing the ability to visualize, increasing motivation and self- esteem…